Derby Solar Farm

About the Project
Derby Solar Farm is an approved solar farm to be located in Derby, near Bendigo in the Murray River Renewable Energy Zone in Victoria. The facility will produce 95MW of clean power to be dispatched to the Victorian electricity grid, enough to power 25,000 households per year.
The project will include:
- Approximately 3630 arrays of monocrystalline tracking solar panels on mounting units configured into a linear arrangement/row (approx. 101m long)
- 18 pre-fabricated MV power station inverters (about the size of a shipping container)
- Battery energy storage
- A switching station
- 2m high mesh fencing to the site compound
- Landscaping with three rows of fast-growth indigenous trees
- Four access gates with a width of 8m along the facility’s frontage to Derby-Serpentine Road – two on each side of the facility
- 197m of overhead power line to connect the facility to an existing 66kV Powercor overhead power line.

The Derby Solar Farm will be located in Derby near Bendigo, in the Murray River Renewable Energy Zone. The project site is located on Derby-Serpentine Road.
Once completed, the solar farm will dispatch power to the Victorian electricity grid, providing enough energy to power 25,000 households per year.
Construction of Derby Solar Farm is expected to start in early 2023 and take about 12 months.
The Derby Solar Farm is a largely pre-fabricated facility, with on-site construction limited to assembly and connection of components.
Installation of the panel mounts will involve relatively shallow earthworks, which would be limited to site scrape of the proposed compound to remove weeds on the solar farm site, while the rest of the land will remain untouched during this period.
Standard construction hours will be 7am to 7pm Monday to Sunday.
Nearby residents will be notified if work has to be done outside of these hours.

A Weed Management Plan has been prepared to ensure appropriate weed control during construction and operation of the Project.
The plan identifies measures to control and/or eradicate problem weeds and provides a framework for the ongoing management of vegetation on site.
Benefits of the Project
Derby Solar Farm will:
- Generate clean power to be dispatched to the Victorian electricity grid, enough to power 25,000 households per year
- Create local jobs and industry development during construction and operation
- Create a positive and lasting legacy.
Get Involved
Sungrow will work with the community prior to construction to provide feedback and help mitigate construction impacts. We will also provide regular project updates, advertise key project milestones and hold information sessions as needed.
The best way to stay up to date on the progress of the project is to join our mailing list.
Fill out your details on the Contact Us page to join.